Grafisk Facilitering

Brug af Grafisk Facilitering til at løse et problem

Grafisk Facilitering, kan skabes på mange forskellige måder. Enten ved at brugerne er med i processen og med til at skabe illustrationerne og hvor jeg underviser i de basale teknikker man bruger for at facilitere et møde grafisk. Alle kan lære at tegne og der er nogle få basis tips og tricks, som gør at du i løbet af ingen tid, kan eskalere som Grafisk Facilitator.

After the sessions, a few ideas can be made as illustrations for use in powerpoint as posters or even animate. Everything can be done and it is a good way to visualize a difficult task, process, or project -remember the brain remembers visuals 60.000 faster than text, so to sketch it out is a good way to get the overview.

Og... Om det der med hjernen og hvordan den reagerer i forhold til visuelle elementer, det er et kæmpe emne, som jeg har studeret meget nøje. Det er nemlig en af de strategiske design ting som gør, at hvis de bliver eksekveret korrekt kan man lave noget ret så unikt som bliver gemt i den menneskelige harddisk.

This task as I’m highlighting here is how to visualize a supply chain and this was done by me sketching on an A3 paper while listening in on the discussions and presentations during a workshop day while illustrating on the fly -this was done in A3 but could also be done on a larger format. The A3 posters are being framed and being delivered to the department and the output was also together with the team to create a sticker (final rendering illustration in Illustrator) to use as a visual for the department and to place on laptops etc.

Bobby Krøyer Graphic Facilitation (YNOTBOB) Graphic Design
Graphic Facilitation Illustrations Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
Graphic Facilitation Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
Graphic Facilitation Illustrations Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
Graphic Facilitation Illustrations Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
Graphic Facilitation Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
Graphic Facilitation Illustrations Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
Graphic Facilitation Illustrations Novo Nordisk YNOTBOB Graphic Design – Grafisk Design
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