Visma DataLøn
Strategic Design and Visual Identity
Dataløn was an old danish company acquired by Visma -They have been delivering the paycheck to a lot of Danes for half a century, so a visual window which you can use to link visual elements. We started up by creating the strategic design work to see how and which elements could be used and how could a product icon be created for the “Dataløn” product. A lot of design meetings with key stakeholders for all parts of the organization.
I created a lot of key visuals and sketches for which way it could take, to create the visual cornerstones for the company. Sometimes you know this is not how it will end up, but it is good to sketch out different ideas and sometimes create the opposite to get key-stakeholders imagination and minds going. As a designer, it is also your job to feed the customers with ideas of what it can be.
In the end, I created the design manual for Visma Dataløn and the updated brand profile as well as a mini-guide which could be used as a printed handout for internals to remember key visuals and how to apply them to their everyday work.